Portnablagh Beacons

Front light

From Ballywhoriskey (previous post) it wasn't a long drive to Portnablagh on the main N56 heading west. The route goes across the modern Mulroy Bridge, a most incongruous sight among the fantastic scenery. When coming into Portnablagh (or Portnablahy) there is a sharp turn to the right, leading down around the beach to the pier, from where the best views of the two beacons are. 55° 10.8´ N 7° 55.6´ W

Front light

There is a front and a rear light here. The front beacon is mounted on a plinth set on some large rocks just off shore, off which a handful of children were jumping. The rear beacon is situated at the back of the beach on the roadside. When lined up they presumably demonstrate safe passage for vessels coming into the pier, off which another handful of children were jumping. 

Rear light

The front light has a red band on a white concrete beacon. The light itself is 16 feet above sea level. It has an Occulting white light (the period of light is longer than the period of no light) lasting 6 seconds in total.
The rear light has a white band on a red concrete beacon 39 feet above sea level.The light characteristic is the same. The two beacons are 85 meters apart.

Rear light

Front and rear light


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