There is no lighthouse at Mullaghmore, unless it is one only visible to members of the wizarding community, of which I am not a member. The pier, most sources say, was built between 1820 and 1840 by the local landowner, Lord Palmerston, an absentee landlord who later became Prime Minister of Great Britain twice. Evidently he was not well loved by his tenantry, though I doubt he lost a lot of sleep about it. Many of the local population were forced to flee to America on the coffin ships during the famine, the state of them, half-naked and diseased, on arrival, prompting the Canadian authorities to write a scathing letter of condemnation to his lordship. Our old friend, Alexander Nimmo was the harbour's architect.
My Lords,
I have the honour by direction of the Corporation for Preserving and Improving the Port of Dublin to transmit to you for the Information of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, Copy of a Letter received from the Elder Brethren of Trinity House London sanctioning Lord Palmerston to erect a Light House on the new pier lately built by His Lordship at Mulloghmore (sic) Harbour in the County of Sligo, which you will please to submit for the concurrence of His Excellency.
I have the honour to be, My Lords, your very humble servant,
Cossart, Secretary
Photo from
The second letter in the file is the letter of sanction from the Elder Brethren in London referred to in Cossart's letter:
And having accordingly submitted the same to them, I have it in command to acquaint you for the Information of the Corporation for Preserving and Improving the Port of Dublin that the Elder Brethren have no objections to offer to the erection of a Light House in the situation before mentioned, provided in the Exhibition of the Light the precautions so properly suggested in the report of Mr. Halpin the Inspector of Light Houses be carefully observed.
And as it appears the Harbour of Mulloghmore (yet more sic) is very small and dry at Low Water that, as a further necessary precaution, the Light be shewn as a tidal light and not exhibited except at those times of Tide during which there is a sufficient depth of Water to permit the safe approach and entry of Vessels of such draught as those which are accustomed to use the Harbour.
J. Herbert