Okay, not the greatest photographs you ever saw but the reason for that is explained in the next post (Old Head of Kinsale 3) The Old Head of Kinsale is a promontory lying SSW of Cork City and about 4 miles south of the town of Kinsale. To get there, drive to Kinsale, cross the bridge and head for the village of Old Head. On the other side of Old Head you will get the views seen above and below. The Old Head of Kinsale was one of the six original lighthouses patented to Sir Robert Reading in 1665 (the others were at Hook Head, Barry Oge's Castle, Howth land, Howth sandbar and Islandmagee) The light consisted of a a coal brazier located on the roof of a cottage. The cottage can be seen on the right of the pictures. The brazier was replaced by an oil light in 1804 and then a 42 foot stone tower supplanted it in 1814. However when the modern lighthouse was erected in 1853, the stone tower was lopped to avoid confusion, leaving only the stump (on the left hand side of the picture) ...