Roancarrig 1 and 2 (again)

A trip down to West Cork is always an occasion to be savoured. My last time down here was three years ago, when we walked the western end of Bere Island and bagged Ardnakinna Lighthouse. We were also able to view Roancarrig from the shore near Adrigole, but this time we decided to walk the eastern end of Bere Island (the Rerrin Loop) which gave a different perspective on the two lights.

Roancarrig is set on a small island in the middle of Bantry Bay. The original lighthouse with its distinctive black band was erected in 1847 and only ceased operations in 2012, when it was superceded by a small stainless steel tower adjacent to the lighthouse, fitted with a solar powered LED light. This structure can clearly be seen in the first four photographs on the page.

The old tower was 20metres high - the new one is only seven metres high, shining white or red depending on the sector. There is more information and a close-up picture of it here .

The picture below actually shows the island (nearer the top) from the peak of Hungry Hill on the Beara Peninsula, which we climbed two days later.

51°39.183' North 09°44.823' West


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