Haulbowline lighthouse - what a cracker!

Haulbowline lighthouse (photographs by Jane Rankin)

My son, when he was a young boy, used to say things like "Imagine if that bridge fell down" while we were going under it, or "Imagine if that tower block fell down" as we were driving by. (I'm assuming he doesn't still say it but I may be wrong)
Looking at the beautiful Jane Rankin pictures on this page of Haulbowline lighthouse at the entrance to Carlingford Lough, I can't help thinking, "Imagine if that lantern fell down." It would certainly take the look off it.

Of course, lighthouse lanterns are not in the habit of falling into the sea, so such a scenario is extremely unlikely. Or is it?
Fellow lighthouse enthusiast Lee Maginnis lives nearby and has a great affinity for this particular lighthouse. He recently noticed that, just below the lantern, a large crack has started to appear in the stonework. (It is more noticeable in the photograph below where it is front on) God bless his eyesight.
Seeing as those lanterns weigh a ton (well, a lot of tons actually) and not wishing to see his favourite tower running around like a headless chicken, he has contacted Irish Lights, just on the off chance that it might be something serious.
Irish Lights have replied with thanks and are going to send up a drone to have a look.

Haulbowline actually always puts me in mind of a kangaroo, with its little half-light in a pouch in its belly (photograph Jane Rankin)

 A drone's eye view of the lighthouse (not Jane Rankin) Notice the mountains behind sweeping down to the sea.


  1. Nasty crack that. Hope someone gets on top of it. No pun intended.
    Off topic a touch, one needs to keep an eye out for the Sea Truck ferry running through there. £15,000 fine if it has to stop for insignificant you


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