Broadhaven Light

This light is situated on the north eastern tip of the Belmullet peninsula. I thought I might be able to catch a glimpse of it on the drive from Bangor ro Belmullet but its just hidden out of sight. I daresay there are views from the eastern side of Broadhaven Bay.

 To reach the light, I set the sat nav for Knocknalina which seemed to be the nearest village to it. Anyway, after having arrived at my destination, I was still not near Broadhaven Bay, so kept going eastwards. As the bay came in sight I took a small road to the left with a brown signpost for Ballyglass Sea Angling. After a mile, the tarmac bent to the right but straight ahead down a pot-holed,untarmaced road I could see the lighthouse.
Like a lot of lighthouses, there was a locked red gate and dire warnings about trespassing. The keepers houses to the right appear to be in a state of disrepair, though I couldn't really get a good view of it. This was built as a daymark in 1848, only being lit in 1855, marking the start of the approach to Belmullet.


  1. Nice shots of a great looking light. Glad to see you posting again, it has been awhile. Cheers, Neal

  2. Hi Neal, Yes, its been quite frustrating! Hopefully I'll get a few more in the summer. Talk to you, Pete


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