Shameless bid to get more likes on Facebook .....
I suppose you can say that this is the way the world is these days. Social media is the be-all and end-all. Somebody writes a really interesting poem and posts it on Facebook and gets three 'likes.' Somebody else posts up a picture of last night's spaghetti bolognese and whoa! twenty thousand little love hearts. You've written a book or a song and the thing any potential publisher wants to know is 'how many likes'? So here is my bid for a record blogpost, featuring lots of cute and cuddly animals (ahhh, lookit!)
(Actually, I simply spotted a theme among my photographs and wondered how many 'lighthouses + animals' snaps I could come up with.)
The photo above is Lee Maginnis' dog, Cane, at Donaghadee.
Don't know if this is a horse or a pony but its at the old Cape Clear lighthouse
A goat at the Muglins. Not sure why I'm telling you what the animal is.
Galley Head. Yup, it's a cow.
Pretty sure this is old Inishtrahull. Also with a cow. But not the same cow as at Galley Head. Different personalities.
Sheep things at Sheep's Head lighthouse. Maybe I could sell this idea to John Hinde for a 2024 Calendar? Aberdeen Angus at Angus Rock? Rats at Rathlin West? Oysters at Oyster Island? A bear at Bere Island? Bull Rock? Calf Rock? Wolf Rock? Chicken Rock?
Cane again, in Champion the Wonderdog pose at St. John's Point, county Down.
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