East Twin Island (Inner Light) New photo


When I wrote about the lost lighthouse at the tip of East Twin Island last year I was somewhat frustrated by the fact that, although it was pulled down as late as 1965, I could not, for the life of me, find a decent photograph of the light, which had stood, in one form or another, for over 120 years.
I will spare the reader a repetition of the long, tortuous and incomplete history of this light, which can be found at the link above. This post is merely to reproduce the much more interesting photo of the light that I came across at one of the NMNI sites recently.
As suspected, the light was a skeletal tower but a scaling of its entire height by ladder was not necessary as it seems it was accessed from the roof of a building adjoining the house. I am in two minds as to whether that is the fog signal at the base of the tower or if it was housed in that small room on the adjoining roof.
I believe this is/was the only lighthouse of this type in Ireland, though I am open to correction.
The date of the photograph is 14th October 1946 and presumably the happy couple are long-standing keepers Samuel and Ellen McKibbin.
Incidentally, I love the architecture of the house, though a bit unsure about the light sabre shining through the attic.
The pictures below are taken from the previous post and were the best I had previously come up with.


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