Pictures of one (maybe two) lost Belfast lighthouses

Detail of a painting View of Sydenham, Belmont and Glenmachan 1864 by Nicholas Joseph Crowley Due to a restriction on numbers allowed at Black Head lighthouse, the recent ALK visit was split into morning and afternoon sessions, which gave me the morning free in Belfast. What to do? Shopping, maybe? Then I remembered I was Super Lighthouse Nerd and I spent a couple of hours at the Public Record Office in the Titanic Quarter researching old documents, after which I decided to go down to the old Belfast Harbour Office across the river. Places like that, I thought, often have old paintings on the wall and maybe some of Belfast's old lights - the Seal Channel light, or Garmoyle, maybe - could be represented. Belfast Harbour Office on Corporation Square The great thing about the Harbour Office is that it has one of those revolving doors at the entrance but its made of wood, not metal or plastic. Well, I found it great, anyway. The lady at reception informed me that the building was ful...