A worthless idle villain

The square tower built on the original cottage style lighthouse in 1796 There has been a lighthouse on the Copeland Islands, on the southern entrance to Belfast Lough from at least 1733, and maybe as early as 1711. It has, of course, not been the same lighthouse, nor has it even been on the same island but, such was the litany of wrecks on those three small islands and outlying rocks, that it was decided very early on that they should be lit. Plan of the first Copeland Island lighthouse, taken from Douglas Haig and Rosemary Christie's 'Lighthouses - their architecture, history and archaeology' The lighthouse on Cross Island (the middle island), which soon became known as Lighthouse Island – for reasons that I can’t fathom – was built by convicts and was established around 1711 or 1715 or 1733. At this time, lighthouses were cottages with a brazier on the roof. It seems that the cottage here had a bit of a square tower on it, from which coal was burned at night, roughly 400...