The case of the invisible lighthouse

(Lee Maginnis, lighthouse enthusiast (providing they are built of certain materials and are of a certain size) from county Down, sea-swimmer, athlete, journalist and goatherd, writes this post on one of the Irish lighthouses that never gets a look in - Ardglass) It all began with an advert asking for volunteers to work at Spurn Lighthouse. I thought immediately of the Goulding family in Ireland. Mrs. Goulding might fancy a break. Spurn being in Yorkshire, she could send her lighthouse historian husband Peter away for his treat, while enjoying a fortnight's respite at home herself. Peter, in turn, after the suggestion, had an idea of his own. I should take over care of Ardglass Lighthouse as it was in need of attention. Now Peter knows very well that I am a fan of big lighthouses that are made of granite. I googled the lighthouse and was rewarded with a fantastic view taken from a helicopter, or more likely, a drone. It looked white, and big, pai...