Old Head of Kinsale

My beloved wife and myself were down in Blarney for a couple of days during the spring and I suggested we go down for a drive to the Old Head of Kinsale. Nothing to do with my passion for lighthouses, of course, but seeing as we were there, we thought we might as well take photographs! See here and here . Couldn't get close enough because of the golf course which I was rather frustrated about. How to get closer? Well, I'll admit that the thought did cross my mind that I might play a round of golf on the course to get nearer. Two things made me see sense 1) I wouldn't know one end of a golf club from another and 2) it would be giving money to the people who are preventing the public from enjoying the wonderful national heritage of the Old Head. Just so happened, I was talking to a guy called Karl Grabe yesterday and he told me that there were 2 open day to the lighthouse in September. Karl who is a keen photographer took a lot of photographs and also a video o...